
下列成就与人物的搭配不正确的是( ) A . 《兰亭集序》——王羲之 B . 《伤寒杂病论》——华佗 C . 《齐民要术》——贾思勰 D . 都江堰——李冰 答案:B根据已给的首字母给各句空白处填上一个适当的词,使句子完整、正确。1.Last year Cindy was thirteen years old. And tomorrow will be her f?????????? birthday.2.How can you make y???????? understood (明白) if you cannot express clearly?3.Don’t open the door until the car s??? _???? .4.Christmas is the most important holiday in w??????????? countries.5.Today is so cold. The temperature is b??????????? zero.6.You’ll have to speak louder. The old man is a bit d??????????? .7.This teapot is made of glass. It’s broken e????????? .8.Susan didn’t get m????????? until she was thirty-nine.9.Ted got an A in this English test b????????? of his hard work.10.My sister Tracy is m????????? interested in sports than in music. 
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