
用所给短语替换句中的画线部分A. with no mountainsor hillsB. for a long distanceC. spend timeD. in the exactmiddle ofE. very warm (1) The table was placedin the dead centre of the room. (2) I like going climbing. That's why I dislike areas that are as flat as a pancake. (3) When the sun shinesduring the day, everything is visible as far asthe eye can see. (4) It is summer now andthe weather is as hot as an oven in the southof the country. (5) As he was free, heentered an Internet cafe near the school to killtime.19世纪末,德国地质学家希霍芬将我国西汉以来逐渐形成的贯穿欧亚的陆上通道称为“丝绸之路”。下列对“丝绸之路”的表述,错误的是 A.“丝绸之路”的起点是玉门关 B.从河西走廊向西最远到达欧洲 C.丝绸是通道上运输的主要商品 D.促进了东西方经济文化交流
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