
语法填空 Running a few kilometers each day is good for our health. However, new research says running too much could be bad for us. Running long distances (regular) for many years could make our life(short), not longer. The study is from the Minneapolis Heart Institute. A researcher said too much running can created plague(斑) inside your heart,can lead to heart disease. He wrote that running too much for many years takes away the good things from exercise. He(add) that the risk of heart disease could besame as someone who never exercised. Researchers lookedthe health and training of 3,30 弹簧测力计下吊着一个重物,若用手提着弹簧测力计将重物徐徐浸入水中,弹簧测力计的示数将会________,当重物全部浸入水中以后,再使物体由浅入深下放的过程中,弹簧测力计的示数将________.
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