
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 On a cold winter evening, I was walking home alone, when suddenly came screams (呼喊声) from behind some tress.1 I slowed down to listen, and 2 that what I was hearing were the sounds of a fight. A woman was being attack (袭击) not far from where I 3. “Should I go to help her?” I thought. I was worried about my own 4 , and I regretted having suddenly decided to take a new way home that night. “What if I am 5 too? Shouldn't I just6 to the nearest phone and call the police?” But alread下列有关我国古代文化成就的搭配,不正确的是()A. 阎立本——活字印刷术B. 张择端——《清明上河图》C. 欧阳询——《九成宫醴泉碑》D. 吴道子——《送子天王图》
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