
阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A new report showswhat life might be like in 100 years from now. Experts on space and architecture(建筑),and city planners gave their ideas on life in 2116. Twenty-fiveyears ago, we could not imagine how greatly the Internet would change our lives.Now the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and learn. Theysaid the changes in the next century would be even more unbelievable. The way we live,work and play will be totally different from today. There will be many tall buildings,underwater citi下表反映了某地一旗杆不同日期(二分二至日)的日影朝向,读后完成下面试题。 日期 日影朝向 日出 正午 日落 A 西南 正南 东南 B 正西 正北 正东 C 正西 正北 正东 D 西北 正北 东北
英语 试题推荐