
统一是中国历史发展的主流和必然趋势。阅读材料,回答问题。材料一:(嬴政)在黄河南北的大平原进行了一次历史性的大扫除,使封建领主制留下来的残余一扫而光,然后在六国的废墟上建立起新兴地主阶级专政的封建专制主义国家。——翦伯赞《中国史十五讲》材料二:秦王朝开创的华夏民族大一统的国家伟业到了汉武帝时代,完成了从地理空间到精神空间的整合与凝聚,正是这个伟大而充满凝聚力的民族共同体,承载着中华文明古往今来的生阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Julia wishes she could draw well. She wishes she could draw circles, nice faces, trees and houses. But she can’t draw anything right. All of her pictures are a mess. Julia doesn’t like her drawings. Julia can’t draw circles. They look like eggs. She can’t draw trees. They look like mashed potatoes sitting on a stick. She can’t draw houses. They look like bottles of ketchup.Julia doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t want to give up, but her pictures are awful. Julia tries a sharp new pencil. Her circles still look like eggs. Julia takes a piece of green paper. Now her trees look like green mashed potatoes.Julia is ready to give up. Then she picks up her pencil and draws a frowning face with her left hand. The face is neat and round. She doesn’t have to give up drawing. She just has to draw with her left hand. Then she draws her cat on a clean piece of paper. Her picture is perfect.1. Julia wants to draw , but they look like eggs. ( )A. circles B. trees 2. Julia wants to draw , but they look like mashed potatoes. ( )A. circles B. trees 3. Julia wants to draw , but they look like bottles of ketchup. ( )A. horses B. houses4.Julia tries . Her circles still look like eggs. ( )A. a new pencil B. a new rubber 5. Julia takes . Her trees look like green mashed potatoes. ( )A. a piece of green paper B. a pencil sharpener6.Julia doesn’t have to give up. She just has to draw with her hand. ( )A. right B. left
历史 试题推荐