
下图是三种不同经济时代的经济结构,从图二到图三变化的原因是( ) A . 第一次工业革命 B . 第二次工业革命 C . 现代科技革命 D . 资本主义生产关系的调整 答案:CListen and choose.听问句,选择正确的答句。(5☆)(1)A.I’m 40kg. B.I’m 154cm. C.I’m 12.(2)A.She’s fine. B.He has a cold. C.He feels happy.(3)A.I cleaned the room.B.I clean the room.C.I am cleaning the room.(4)A.I’m going to Hong Kong.B.I’m going there by plane.C.I’m going to buy a book.(5)A.I went to Hainan.B.I will go to Hainan.C.I want to go to Hainan.
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