
下列各种现象中,出现超重超种现象的是( ) A . 汽车过凸桥 B . 小孩荡秋千经过最低点 C . 平抛运动 D . 绕地球飞行的卫星 答案:B阅读理解,判断正误。How to keep healthyHere are some things you can do to keep you healthy.Having a good diet is very important. It means eating lots of different kinds of food and lots of fruit and vegetables. They are good for your health.Doing exercise is a way of keeping you healthy too. Exercise makes you fit and helps you relax. So exercise every day from now on.Some things are bad for your health, like smoking and drinking alcohol.You had better give upthese things.You should go to see a doctor every year. The doctor can help you find some problems.(1)Having a good diet means eating much meat and fish every day.(2)Doing exercise is a way to keep you healthy.(3)Smoking and drinking alcohol can make you healthy.(4)You should go to see a doctor every year.(5)We shouldn't give up drinking alcohol.
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