
阅读短文,判断正误。 Mary, Jane and May are good friends. Their mother are alsogood friends. So they were good friends from a very young age. They are in thesame(相同的)school - Qing Lan Primary School and they always go to school together every day.Mary is shorter than May, and May is heavier than Jane. Jane is thinner thanMary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old and May is 9years old. Mary likes English, Jane likes maths and May likes music. They allstudy hard and like helping others. All of them like each other very much. (1) There are 3 chil下列课外实验中,不能达到实验目的的是A. 用冷碟子收集蜡烛火焰上方,制取炭黑B. 用洁净的鸡蛋壳加入食醋,制取二氧化碳C. 用10%的氯化钠溶液浸泡新鲜的树叶,制作叶脉书签D. 用报纸和保鲜膜分别蒙住盛等体积水的两只相同的烧杯,比较报纸和保鲜膜的透气性
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