
李白在《蜀道难》一诗中引用神话传说为其增添了浪漫气息,如引用“五丁开山”一神话的句子是“,。” 答案:【1】地崩山摧壮士死【2】然后天梯石栈相钩连Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文): Anna arrived far too early. Usually she left things to the last minute, but today was very special. She got there almost an hour beforehand. She hoped the plane would arrive sooner. _________ raced through her mind. “Do I look all right?Will he notice that I’m wearing a new suit? Will he even recognize me?” It was a year almost to the day since she had last seen Joe. She _________ got a mirror out of her handbag and looked at her face carefully. Too much make-up? Joe had never said anything, but she knew that he did not like heavy make-up. It was funny how important she thought it to be to make a good impression on him. _________ , friends do not judge each other by appearance. All the same, it was the first meeting after a long separation (分离), and she wanted everything to go off right.Looking out of the window, through a break in the clouds, Joe caught a first sight of the town far _________ . This was his third visit, and looked like becoming a yearly event. Certainly it was very lucky that they had invited him to be the guest lecturer again. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee (组委会), as a matter of politeness, had _________ to meet him at the airport, as he had done before. This time, however, it was not necessary, partly because Joe was quite _________ the city, but mostly because Anna had said that she could take the afternoon off in order to come and meet him.1.A. Dreams B. Thoughts C. Blood D. Honour2.A. luckily B. properly C. politely D. quickly3.A. In return B. Now that C. After all D. For example4.A. below B. above C. around D. behind5.A. failed B. refused C. offered D. managed6.A. responsible for B. famous for C. careful with D. familiar with
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