
下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( ) A . 自从屈原以惊人的天才发现了“木叶”的奥妙,此后的诗人们也就再不肯轻易把它放过;于是一用再用,熟能生巧…… B . 咬文嚼字有时是一个坏习惯,所以这个成语的涵义通常不很好。但是在文学,无论阅读和写作,我们必须有一字不肯放松的谨严。 C . 时光的流逝不能让我淡忘对故乡的思念,反之,随着年龄的增长,对故乡的思念愈发日久弥坚。 D . 从医学角度看,早餐在供应血糖方面起着重要作用,不Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective(有效的)?We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long  35   .This is very good, but it doesn’t       36   a lot, for an effective student must have enough sleep, enough rest and exercise. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It’s good for your study.When you return   37   your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒) and you’ll learn more  38  study better. Psychologists(心理学家)  39  that learning takes place in this way. Here take English learning    40   an example. In the first few months you can make a lot of progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems   41   the same. So you will think you’re learning  42  and you may give up. This can last for days or even weeks, yet you needn’t give up. At some point your language study will take another big  43  . You’ll see that you really have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and interesting. Don’t  44  along the way. Learn slowly and you’re sure to get a good result.1.A.dayB.timeC.hourD.week2.A.helpB.giveC.makeD.take3.A.afterB.forC.atD.to4.A.yetB.andC.orD.but5.A.findB.teachC.tellD.remember6.A.withB.forC.asD.to7.A.to haveB.to makeC.to takeD.to stay8.A.somethingB.anythingC.nothingD.everything9.A.workB.jumpC.walkD.result10.A.get upB.set upC.give upD.wake up
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