
情景交际M: Becky, can I speak to you for a moment in my office?W: Yes, sir. Is everything all right?M: All right? (一切棒极了)! You put up some amazing numbers this year. Profits are increasing (多亏了年度计划)!W: Thank you, sir. I'm just trying to do my best for the company.M: No need to be modest. What you did was brilliant. I (提拔) you!W: Promoting me? Wow, I never expected that. (约翰逊项目怎样了)?M: The project you're in charge of? We can get someone else to (参与) that. I want you to work that magic of yours.W: I will continue to do my best, sir.M: I exp悬停在空中的直升机受到_____力和升力的作用,施力物体分别是_____和_____,它们_____(也受到/不受到)飞机的作用力。
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