
阅读理解,判断正误。Four Seasons Spring is the best season of the year. It lasts from March to May. The days get longer. The nights get shorter, and the weather gets warmer. Everything begins to grow. Grass and trees begin to turn green. Flowers begin to come out. Children begin to fly kites outdoors. Summer comes after spring. It is the hottest season in the year. It lasts from June to August. People try to find a cool place then. They always go swimming in pools, lakes, and rivers. Autumn is the harvest season. It gets cool. Farmers begin to reap (收割).They are busy from Septem如图,一个拱形桥架可以近似看作是由等腰梯形ABD8D1和其上方的抛物线D1OD8组成.若建立如图所示的直角坐标系,跨度AB=44米,∠A=45°,AC1=4米,点D2的坐标为(-13,-1.69),则桥架的拱高OH=________米.
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