
补全对话 A. Who is your science teacher? B. How's your day? C. When do you have it? D. Because it's interesting. E. What classes do you have? F. What's your favorite subject? A: Hi, Johnson. B: It's OK. I'm busy with my classes.A: B: I have science, music, art, geography and history, and Ilike science very much.A: B: Mr. Zhang. He is very fun. A: It's math.B: Oh, I think it is difficult. Why do you like it?A: B: Well, I see. Tomorrow is Saturday and we don't have any classes!I like it.A: Me, too.19.有5只燕子2.5天吃害虫1500只,平均每只燕子2.5天吃害虫300只,5只燕子平均每天吃害虫600只.
英语 试题推荐