
世界上现存的第一部比较完备的成文法典——《汉谟拉比法典》规定:奴隶是不受法律保护的工具和财产,奴隶不属于人的范畴;奴隶主将奴隶伤害致死,无罪。由此可见() ①奴隶主完全占有奴隶②奴隶处于剥削者的地位 ③该法典维护奴隶主阶级的统治④奴隶与奴隶主的矛盾是奴隶社会的基本矛盾 A . ①③ B . ①④ C . ②③ D . ②④ 1.I wonder how many ______ (手术) ORBIS doctors perform during their visit to a poor country.2.You won’t see this kind of insect _______ (遍及) the whole winter.3.September is the _________(九) month of the year.4.Children’s behavior is often _______ (影响) by what their parents do.5.If you need physical __________(strong), you need to wear red clothes.6.After reading the boring report, the engineer felt even _______ (sleep).7.Don’t be so _______ (patient). The manager will announce the result soon.8.The director is a special man, he likes doing everything _______ (different). 
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