
Taking ActionAt Seven Oaks Middle School, Daniela Carrera was searching for a club. There was a dance club, a choir, an exercise club, and an action club that found creative ways to raise money for other people. Daniela was thinking about j【1】 the dance club because dancing was her favourite. Then Daniela's friend Ciara told her about the action club's new p【2】 . At first, Daniela was puzzled. Why would people in a nursing home want a video-game console(平台)? she asked Ciara. This would be a s【3】 kind of console that plays fitness games. The games help people who need to exercis请根据下列装置,回答问题:(1)写出标号①②的仪器名称:①         ,②         。(2)实验室制取CO2的反应方程式为                       ;检验收集的气体是否是二氧化碳的原理是               (用方程式表示)(3)对用氯酸钾和二氧化锰的混合物制取O2后的固体残渣(假定已完全反应),通过以下四步实验操作可回收二氧化锰。正确操作的先后顺序是        (填写选项序号)。?a.烘干     b.溶解       c.过滤      d.洗涤(4)在实验室抽取CO2的实验装置中,F装置相对于B装置具有的优点是                      。(5)实验室通过多种反应可以得到NH3(极易溶于水,密度比空气小),例如:2NH4Cl(固)+Ca(OH)2(固) CaCl2+2NH3↑ +2H2O 你将选择上图中的   作为实验室收集NH3的装置。下图是收集NH3并对尾气进行处理的装置(浓硫酸可以与NH3反应生成硫酸铵),请根据图示把装置画完整。上图中漏斗倒放的作用是             。
英语 试题推荐