
The United States will have more adults aged 65 and over than children by the year 2035, the US Census Bureau says As the American population ages, the demand for services and care for older adults is growing.SenCura is a company that provides non-medical at-home care for seniors in the northern Virginia area. Cliff Glier founded the company 12 years ago. He says its services include help with bathing, transportation, getting dressed and planning and preparing meals.Hollie is one of SenCura’s professional caregivers. She visits 88-year-old Olga Robertson’s home every day for three hours. R函数,x∈(1,+∞)的反函数为A.,x∈(0,+∞)B.,x∈(0,+∞)C.,x∈(-∞,0)D.,x∈(-∞,0)
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