
如图所示,平面镜前有一点光源S发出的一束光线被平面镜反射后经过A点,请作出该光线的光路图. 答案:解:第一种作法:根据光的反射定律:在平面镜上找一点O,过O点垂直平面镜作出法线,找到入射角的大小,最后根据反射角等于入射角画出过A点反射光线,如图所示: 第二种作法:先通过平面镜作出发光点S的对称点S′,连接S′A交平面镜于点O,OA为反射光线,如图所示:在方框中找出适当的句子,补全对话。A: Hello, Michael. This is Kangkang speaking. B: I'd love to, but I'm afraid I'll have to go to the library.A: B: I think I'll be free next Saturday. Let's go hiking then.A: B: Let's make it half past six.A: B: At the school gate.A: OK, B: See you.A. When shall we meet?B. See you then.C. Would you like to go hiking(远足) with us this Saturday?D. Where shall we meet?E. When will you be free?
物理 试题推荐