
Clark lost nearly all possessions to the Tubbs Fire. The seventh-grader remembers Oct. 9 _________: He woke up to a scene in chaos around 1:30 a.m. Seizing some of his things, he and his family _________ onto the crowded roads, full of other people _________ home. “There were just cars everywhere, people driving on the wrong side of the road, _________ starting on lawns (草坪).” Clark says, “We were all just really _________for what could happen.” _________, his family made it to safety, but their home was completely destroyed.Considering the trauma (创伤) their students had just__下列词语书写全都正确的一项是(     )(3分) A、莫然置之     惩前毖后         要言不烦     休栖相关 B、记忆犹新     光怪陆离         栩栩如生     夜郎自大 C、出乖露丑     违疾忌医         芸芸众生     鞠躬尽粹 D、味同嚼蜡     手足无措         耿耿于怀     心弛神往
英语 试题推荐