
Directions: Read the following three passages. Summarize the mainidea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use yourown words as far as possible. Write your answer on the answer sheet. Are your children gettingon your last nerve? Did a coworker's comment rub you the wrong way? There's noneed to plug the steam coming out of your ears. In fact, science now gives youfull permission to release those emotions; you might actually be happier for it.If that seems counter—intuitive(违反直觉的), hear us out. A new studysuggests that people tend to be happier if they can f质量为m的物体沿一静止于地面质量为M的斜面匀速下滑,在此过程中,地面对斜面的支持力为   [  ] A.Mg+mg      B.Mg+mgcosθ    C.大于Mg+mg     D.小于Mg+mg
英语 试题推荐