
Sometimes the easiest way to get somewhere is on the back of a bike.More and more people are using cars in many places in Africa today. However, things are different in Malawi(马拉维). Bikes are the most popular in this African country.Bike riding is a way of life in Malawi. People use them to carry(搬运) heavy things. They also use bikes to carry people, especially visitors. These years, taking a “ bike taxi” to go around Malawi has become quite popular for visitors from all over the world.If you go to Malawi, you will find a lot of bike taxis waiting on the sides of the roads. The r 南方某校地理兴趣小组到学校附近进行野外考察活动,下图为考察地区等高线示图,读图回答问题。 (1)图中A、B两处的地形部位名称分别为___________、______________。 (2)量得乙村到观察点①的图上直线距离大约是2.1厘米,则两地间的实地直线距离是 ________________千米。 (3)在乙村,同学们实测得气温为20℃,则此时甲村的气温约是 ______________-℃。 (4)同学们发现乙村周围资源丰富,但经济较落后。为改变这一现状,他们提出了许多建议,如建议该村发展_______________ 业,理由是______________ 。
英语 试题推荐