
阅读主题活动Talk about the followingquestions in pairs, and find out the best answer. (1) If you were Agony Aunt,what would you advise Ben to do? (2) Have you ever had a similar experience? Please share your own story with your classmates. 答案:I will advise Ben to make a sincere apology to his teammate. And if possible, send his teammate a small gift. Yes. I was once very angry with my desk-mate for breaking my favourite cup by accident. I complained to my friend about it. Unfortunately, my friend told others my complaint, which made me very embarrassed. I realize that I shouldn't say too much when I am angry.(2008?东营)下列关于生活常识的说法中,正确的是( )①小苏打是治疗胃酸过多症的一种药剂;②香烟的过滤嘴可滤除CO等有害物质,故吸烟对身体无害;③摄入过多量重金属盐会使人中毒;④食用霉变食品可使人引发肿瘤等恶性疾病.A.只有①②B.只有①②③C.只有①③④D.只有①④
英语 试题推荐