
补全对话。 A. What did you put in your bag? B. Are you ready for your trip tomorrow?C. When will you leave tomorrow? D. And who is going to the airport?E. I’ll go to the airport.A. What did you put in your bag? B. Are you ready for your trip tomorrow?C. When will you leave tomorrow? D. And who is going to the airport?E. I’ll go to the airport.Grandma: (1) ________Daming: Grandma, I don’t know.Granma: (2) ________Daming: My clothes, my ticket, and my passport.Grandma: Where will you go tomorrow?Daming: (3) ________Grandma: (4) ________Daming: At seven o’clock in the morning.Grandma一定量的锎(98252Cf)是有用的中子源,1mg(98252Cf)每秒约放出2. 34×l09个中子,在医学上常用作治疗恶性肿瘤的中子源。下列有关锎的说法错误的是(   )      A.98252Cf原子中,中子数为154B.98252Cf原子中,质子数为98 C.98252Cf原子中,电子数为 98D.锎元素的相对原子质量为252
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