
阅读材料,回答: 材料1:咸潮是指沿海地区海水通过河流或其他渠道倒流进陆地区域后,水中的盐分仍然达到或超过250毫克/升的自然灾害。 材料2:赤潮是水体中某些微小的浮游植物、原生动物或细菌,在一定的环境条件下突发性地增殖和聚集,引起一定范围内一段时间中水体变色的现象。 材料3:灰霾是指空气中悬浮着大量极细微的干尘粒等颗粒物。能见度小于l0千米的大气现象,灰霾正成为珠江三角洲地区的一种常见天气。图乙为“广州市l954年阅读理解The Indian government may use 3D paintings as virtual (虚拟的) speed-breakers on major highways and roads, in an attempt to check speeding and careless driving, and eventually make its deadly roads a little safer. “We are trying out 3D paintings used as virtual speed breakers to avoid unnecessary requirements of speed breakers (减速带),” India's transport minister Nitin Gadkari tweeted.The visual illusions (幻象) are supposed to encourage drivers to slow down automatically. Earlier this month, India bad ordered the removal of all speed breakers from highways, which are considered to be a danger to safety for high-speed vehicles.India has the highest number of road accident deaths in the world According to the World Health Organization, over 200,00 people are killed by road accidents due to poor application of road safety laws. This is considerably higher than its official figures of 141,526 for 2014.The use of visual illusions as speed breakers was first pioneered in the American city of Philadelphia in 2008, as part of a campaign against speeding motorist. The technique has also been tried out in China to create floating 3D crossings.India, cities such as Ahmadabad and Chennai have already experimented with 3D zebra crossings in the last one year. In Ahmadabad for instance, two artists, mother and daughter have painted 3D crosswalks in the first few months of this year. The artists say their motto is “to increase the attention of drivers”, and that the concept has been successfully tested in zones where accidents easily occur on a highway.However, critics argue that once divers know that these speed briers are visual illusions, they may ignore them. Others also point out that India's decision does not consider the safety of a large walkers. In the end, the new policy may be just one step towards improving road safety.(1)According to the passage, 3D paintings as virtual speed breakers in India aims to ________.A.replace all speed breakers from highwaysB.encourage essential requirements of speed breakersC.check speeding and careless driving on all highwaysD.remind divers to speed down voluntarily for road safety(2)What caused the high number of road accident deaths in India?A.Speeding motorists.B.Floating 3D crossings.C.Free use of visual illusions.D.Bad application of traffic laws.(3)The author explains the experiment of 3D zebra crossings in India by ________.A.giving examplesB.analyzing causesC.providing figuresD.making comparisons(4)What's the author's attitude towards 3D zebra crossings?A.Subjective.B.Objective.C.Supportive.D.Critical.
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