
Les Brown is known as one of the world’s greatest motivational speakers. He is also_______as a thought leader with regard to self-improvement and goal-setting.However, Les found it_______to learn knowledge when he was a_______. During his school days, he was thought of as “unable to learn well” by the teachers and placed_______from 6th grade to 5th grade. To make things worse, he had a twin brother who was rather_______and talented, so Les was_______by his classmates.One day a teacher asked him to_______a problem on the blackboard, but Les refused and said that he couldn’t_______. “O下列各项中,标点符号使用正确的一项是A.“十月革命”爆发后,海伦?凯勒对共产主义发出了热情的赞美——她曾在她的文学作品中高呼:“向前,同志们!奔向俄罗斯的营火!迎接黎明!”B.赋是我国古代的一种文体。它讲究文采、韵律,兼具诗歌和散文的性质。其特点是“铺采摛文,体物写志”,侧重于写景,借景抒情。(《文心雕龙?诠赋篇》)C.2010年3月8日,在京召开的《列席全国政协十一届会议海外侨胞代表座谈会》上,中国侨联主席林军表示,“北川中学重建工程”将于今年5月12日竣工,9月1日正式投入使用。D.有人给我说过:世界上有两种人不会痛苦:一种人是见到海啸一个猛子跳进去的人;另一种是看到海啸就义无反顾扭头便走的人。第一种人勇敢,第二种人智慧。
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