
下列各句中,没有错别字且加点字的注音全都正确的一项是( )A.各种春菜在田间地垄悄然探出头,娇弱的身子轻轻摇曳(yì),而稚嫩的豌豆尖更是惹人喜爱,叶子清澈通透如翡翠薄片,茎上嫩须迎风轻颤(chàn),引逗着人们去采撷。B.创新型国家建设不是一蹴(cù)而就的,需要科技工作者心无旁骛,摒(bǐng)弃拜金主义,以甘为人梯,奖掖后学的精神,帮助青少年成为科学研究和技术攻坚的人才。C.《典籍里的中国》用追根溯源、旁证博听短文,补全信息。Dear Tony,       How was your vacation? I had a great time in the countryside. Though it (1)_______ in the beginning, soon it became fine and (2)_______. We went swimming in the river, and also caught some (3)_______. In the last few days we went to the mountains to pick mushrooms ( 蘑菇). We got lots of them, and sold them in the (4)_______. I used the money to buy some books, notebooks, (5)_______, and other things for the country children. They were happy, and thanked me. Would you like to go with me and help the children next vacation? Yours, Toby
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