
Whether she loves wine, mornings, coffee, the great outdoors, or all of the above, there’s a perfect gift for your number one mama.Short Robe (袍)If your mom likes nothing more than enjoying life in the early hours of the day with a cup of coffee, she’ll like this short robe. It has side pockets and an attached belt.Short Robe, $128, Naked Princess.comPhoto To ArtNothing makes a super-proud mom happier than thinking about her children—they’re so handsome! So smart! So sweet! Give this proud mom an opportunity to admire her handiwork every day with a photo of her children using Photos 如图所示为嫦娥一号、二号卫星先后绕月做匀速圆周运动的示意图,“嫦娥一号”在轨道I上运行,距月球表面高度为200km;“嫦娥二号”在轨道II上运行,距月球表面高度为100km。根据以上信息可知下列判断不正确的是A. “嫦娥二号”的运行速率大于“嫦娥一号”的运行速率B. “嫦娥二号”的运行周期大于“嫦娥一号”的运行周期C. “嫦娥二号”的向心加速度大于“嫦娥一号”的向心加速度D. “嫦娥二号”和“嫦娥一号”在轨道上运行时,所携带的仪器都处于完全失重状态
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