
Mr. Brown had much money. One day he went on a trip to the countryside with his 5-year-old son Eric. He wanted to show his son how poor people lived, so they spent a day and a night on the farm of a very poor family.When they got back from their trip, Mr. Brown asked Eric, “My dear son, how was the trip?”“Very good, Dad!” Eric said happily.“Did you see how the poor lived?” Mr. Brown asked.“Yeah!” Eric answered.“And what did you learn?” Mr. Brown asked.“We have a dog at home but they have four. We have a pool that is in the middle of the garden but they have a river that h 1880年,薛福成写道:“中国立约之初,有视若寻常而贻害于无穷者,大要有二:一则曰,一国获利各国均沾也。……一则曰,洋人居中国不归中国官管理也。”在他看来,对近代中国“贻害于无穷”的是 ①开设工厂 ②协定关税 ③片面最惠国待遇 ④领事裁判权 [  ] A. ①② B. ①③ C. ③④ D. ②④
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