
To foreigners Chinese food isn’t a meal. It’s an experience. Failing to order the right food and struggling with chopsticks are only parts of the adventure every time I sit down in a restaurant.In one of our favorite Sichuan restaurants, it took 3 waiters and 15 minutes for us to order only our drinks. I simply wanted water, but my dad wanted to try the fresh juice they had listed on the menu. There were two problems, however. There were neither pictures nor English on the menu. After several hand gestures, he ended up ordering just a coca cola to simplify things.One of our most embarrassi 黄土高原千沟万壑的地表形态是由 A.流水侵蚀作用形成的    B.流水搬运作用形成的 C.风力搬运作用形成的    D.风力沉积作用形成的
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