
西汉初年,刘邦封置诸侯王国.封子弟为王,功臣为侯,并规定“非刘氏不王.非有功不侯”。这表明刘邦推行分封制意在A. 加强对地方的控制 B. 继承西周的政治体制C. 确保皇位传承稳固 D. 否定秦朝的政治体制 答案:【答案】C【解析】试题“非刘氏不王.非有功不侯”说明刘邦推行分封制的目的主要在于去报皇位的稳固,加强对地方的控制不是主要目的,故C项正确,A项错误;刘邦只是借鉴了西周的分封制,不是继承西周的政治制度,故B项错误;刘邦在推行分封制的同时还推行了郡县制,实行“郡国并行制”,故单句语法填空。在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(1)He stared me hopelessly for a while and said nothing.(2)Tony works hard and likes asking questions, greedy knowledge.(3)Mr. Black is going to turn his garage a playroom for children.(4)The old man was forced to dispose his art treasures.(5)After the operation the woman's condition was described comfortable.(6)The boy picked up the (receive) and listened to his father patiently.(7)How do you find the job as a (type)?(8)The company has two (represent) in every European city.(9)The management and labor unions have reached a (settle) over new working conditions.(10)The mayor had to make a decision (instant) for many people were waiting outside for the result.
政治 试题推荐