
读以北极为中心的局城图,阴影表示海洋,白色表示陆地,完成下面小题。【1】当A点出现极昼现象时,下列说法错误的是( )A.西亚地中海沿岸正值炎热干燥的季节B.澳大利亚北部沿海地区正值湿季C.日本迎来了白昼最长的天D.淄博各区县进入防汛期【2】关于图示区域说法正确的是( )A.B点所在地是美国的领士B.C点所在大洲地势西高东低C.D点位于大西洋D.E点位于太平洋用所给词的适当形式填空。l. If he ______(study) harder, he will catch up with us soon.2. What was the worst______ (ill) you have ever had?3. His father was______ (dress) in a suit.4. My pen was broken.I need______ (buy)a new one.5. The shop is______ (open) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.6. Please______ (not cry) , dear, and you will be all right soon.
地理 试题推荐