
阅读短文,回答文后的问题.发动机是汽车得动力源.汽油机以汽油为燃料,使活塞在气缸中往复运动,一个工作循环经历进气、压缩、做功和排气四个冲程.汽油机的性能和汽缸排量有关.汽缸排量指活塞一个冲程中活塞在汽缸内通过的容积,它取决于活塞的面积和活塞上下运动的距离(冲程长度).实际汽车往往采用多缸发动机.如图所示发动机有4个汽缸(图中标注1、2、3、4),通过连杆把4个汽缸的活塞连在一根曲轴上.各个汽缸的做功过程错开, 第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 When Janet, a grade two student at a well-known school, was pestered(纠缠) by her classmates to join their group to steal from shops, she was shocked. She was a quiet, well-behaved girl and she did not understand why the girls had approached her. They showed her some of the things they had stolen and said that shop theft was great fun and very exciting. Then they threatened to beat Janet if she did not join them. Janet was deeply troubled. She did her best to avoid the group of the girls after class??es, but they often waited for her outside the school and tried to persuade her to come with them. This problem is one which many school students in Hong Kong face. We asked the chairman of the local-fight-crime committee what Janet should do in these cases. “First of all, she could try to talk the other girls out of the whole thing. Being caught stealing from shops could ruin their futures and it is simply not worth the risk,” he said. “Young people may think that it is easy to get away with stealing from shops, but more and more stores now have plain clothes detectives who are dressed like customers. I would say shop thieves have a more than ninety percent chance of being caught.” “If they won’t listen to her, Janet should go to someone in charge in school, who can then decide if the matter can be dealt with by her or whether it is necessary to report the incident to the police.” 56. From the first three paragraphs we can learn that ____________. A. Janet didn’t know what to do with the case B. Janet faced the group bravely C. the group stole a lot of things D. the group were short of money 57. The underlined part “talk the other girls out of the whole thing” means ____________. A. discuss the possible result with them B. tell them about their futures C. persuade them to stop theft D. warn them not to disturb her 58. One of the suggestions to Janet is to ____________. A. report the situation to the police B. ask the local-fight-crime committee for advice C. hire a detective to catch them D. turn to her teacher for help
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