
某课外活动小组利用小球的竖直上抛运动验证机械能守恒定律。如图甲,弹射装置将小球竖直向上弹出,先后通过光电门A、B,光电计时器测出小球上升过程中通过A、B的时间分别为ΔtA、ΔtB,用刻度尺测出光电门A、B间的距离为h,用螺旋测微器测量小球的直径d,某次测量结果如图乙,其读数d=________mm。当地的重力加速度为g。在误差范围内,若小球上升过程中机械能守恒,则题中给出的物理量d、ΔtA、ΔtB、g、h之间应满足的关系式为________。根据图片提示完成句子。【1】The rabbit puts her sign in front of the hospital. She wants to tell people, “ ___________!” 【2】The dog puts his sign near the street to tell people, “___________!” 【3】The panda holds up his sign in a beautiful park to tell people, “___________!” 【4】Here is a busy street. Cat holds up a sign to tell people, “___________!” 【5】Micky is in a beautiful park. He points to his sign to tell people, “___________!”
物理 试题推荐