
根据句意或首字母写出单词, 或用所给单词的正确形式填空。【1】Look! Here ____________(be) a photo of my brothers. They are twins, in the same class.【2】Our last class ______________(finish) at 4:50 from Monday to Thursday.【3】Are _____________(they) birthdays in January? Yes, you are right.【4】_____________(草莓) are my favorite fruit. I eat them every day.【5】Barry likes ________ (China) food very much.【6】“Is W___________ is the fourth day of a week?” he asks me.【7】Do you have healthy _____________(eat) habits, boys and girls?【8】My grandp1~20这20个自然数中:    (1)既是质数又是偶数的数有(    );     (2)既是奇数又是合数的数有(    )。
英语 试题推荐