
五代十国是个大混乱、大破坏时期。这一时期内,上有暴君,下有酷吏,再加上常年战争征赋不断,名都长安和洛阳都曾被毁……但这又是走向统一安定的时期,为北宋统—北方奠定了基础。“五代十国”分割并存局面形成的历史根源是A. 安史之乱B. 藩镇割据C. 宦官专权D. 唐末农民战争 答案:【答案】B【解析】依据所学可知,安史之乱是中国唐代所发生的一场政治叛乱,是由安禄山与史思明发动,同中央政权争夺统治权的战争。安史之乱是唐朝由盛而衰的转折点。安史之乱后唐朝国力由盛转衰,中央权力衰微,地方上出现了藩镇割据。“五代十国”分割并存局面形成的历史根源是藩镇割据18.听第二篇短文,回答第16至20小题.16.What may be important than sleep according to the passage?A.Work.    B.Dreams.    C.Food.17.What do people do during their sleep?A.They dream.    B.They talk.     C.They laugh.18.Why do some people often dream about their work?A.Because they are tired in the daytime.B.Because they don't like their work.C.Because maybe they are thinking about their work all day.19.What's the passage about?A.What is a dream?B.People like dreams.C.Dreams are like films.20.What can we get from the passage?A.Dreams are like long films.B.We can always remember dreams.C.Dreaming too much can be bad.
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