
American actor James Dean has been dead for 64 years. James Dean, who died at the age of25 in September 1955, starred in just three movies before he died in a car accident. They are Rebel Without a Cause, East of Eden and Giant. Yet, he will star in a new movie about the Vietnam War thanks to digital technology, which generates (产生) images of James Dean by computer.The idea that one of the movies’ most beloved former stars would be recreated digitally for a new film has been met with criticism (批评). Captain America actor Chris Evans called the plans to use Dean’s image in the film 15.下列有关物质的提纯、除杂和鉴别所用的试剂或方法错误的是(  )选项实验目的所加物质或方法A除去CaO中的CaCO3高温煅烧至固体质量不再改变B提纯硫酸钠中的硝酸钠溶解、加适量的氯化钡溶液,过滤,蒸发C除去CO2中少量的HCl将混合气体通入饱和碳酸氢钠溶液,再通入浓硫酸D鉴别NH4NO3固体和NaOH固体加水溶解A.AB.BC.CD.D
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