
阅读理解Germans have a wordwanderlust which translated into English would be the desire towander. Nowadays the opportunity to travel is endless. Thanks to low­costairfares, travelling all over the world is very accessible and sometimes it'seven cheaper to fly out of the country than to travel within your own. I have always hadthe feeling of wanderlust. As a young girl it started from me wanting toexplore my local woods at the back of my garden. With me growing up, I have asense of adventure. And I found my local woods being replaced with theBrazilian wetland, Pantanal, where I went last s2017年第二季《中国诗词大会》节目一经播出,圈粉无数。节目带领人们重新忆起诗情画意,感受诗歌之趣。“花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲”是节目飞花令环节出现的一句诗。该诗的作者是(   )A. 杜甫 B. 李白C. 李商隐 D. 白居易
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