
仿照下面的示例,利用所给材料续写三句话,要求内容贴切,句式与所给例句相同。示例:孟子黄宗羲,著书立说,立潮头发先声,一代哲人具有鲜明的民本思想。材料:爱国精神 科技成就 文学贡献屈原 岳飞 白居易 沈括 杨靖宇 袁隆平遭贬谪吟歌赋 战沙场驱敌寇 埋头干创新见探物究理 抵御外侮 感怀时事根据中文提示,完成下列句子。(10分) 1.I’m from China,I am a Chinese _____ (女孩). 2.I think Beijing is a big _______(城市). 3.Mary’s  uncle is an       __  (演员). 4.Tom Green has one daughter and two ______(儿子). 5.There are _____(六个) tomatoes in the bag. 6.The apples are  ______(红色) and very delicious. 7.Can you _______(帮助) me with my English? 8.The library is         (紧挨着) to the dining hall. 9. Is there a ______(地图) on the wall of your classroom? 10. We also __   _(买) some drink,
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