
Years ago my three-year-old son, Jeremy, and I walked to our car. He _______ me with excitement. I found he was holding a _______ in his little hand. I hadn’t given it to him, so I asked, “Where did you get that?” He _______ to the store we’d just _______. But we hadn’t paid for it.I had a lot of things to do that day, but taking _______ of this moment to teach character to my son just moved to the _______ of my to-do list. I sat him in the front seat next to me in the car without _______ it, so the two of us could talk. I _______ to him that we couldn’t just take things from store图1是民居景观图。读图,图中(   )①甲、丙两地区的自然环境特征相同 ②甲、丙两地区的传统民居都与当地自然环境相适应 ③甲、丙两地民居景观反映了自然环境影响人类活动 ④傣族民居的变化主要反映了社会经济条件的变化⑤夏至日瑞典北部居民可见自己影子始终朝北的现象   A.①②③B.②③④C.②④⑤D.③④⑤
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