
The Ig Nobel Prizes praise research that makes you laugh and then think. The winners are allowed to make a one-minute speech with time kept by an eight-year-old! Every year, in Harvard' s Sanders Theatre, people watch the winners step forward to accept their prizes. These are physically handed out by real Nobel laureates (获得者).Let' s have a look at some of them.The Empty Bladder (膀胱)ExperimentFour researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology found that animals above 3 kg empty their bladders in about 21 seconds. What is the purpose of this study? The researchers hope this w钓鱼时不能大声喧哗,因为鱼听到人说话声就会被吓走,这说明(    )  A.声音从空气传入水中,音调发生了变化;B.只有空气能传播声音;C.声音在水中的速度比在空气中的速度小;D.空气和水都能传播声音。
英语 试题推荐