
阅读下面的文章,完成下面小题。蹲点修祥明1971年,我在即墨县一个公社里当文教助理。初冬的时候,公社让我到肖家疃村去蹲点。铺盖洗刷这一套我自己带,吃饭则由村里统一派饭吃,从村东头开始挨家挨户往下轮。轮到谁家,我一天三顿饭就到谁家吃。一顿饭四两粮票五毛钱。即墨是出名的地瓜干县,一年到头,庄户人的日子离不了地瓜干。有这么句趣话:进了即墨地,踏着两脚泥,吃着地瓜干,放着瓜干屁。那时在胶东半岛,乃至山东省,只阅读理解 Look at the picture of the Green family. What colour are their clothes in the picture? Oh, Jim is in the red T-shirt, blue trousers, white shoes. Polly is in the green clothes. Kate is in the red blouse , yellow skirt, brown shoes. Mrs Green is in an orange dress. And what colour are her shoes? Mr Green is in the white shirt, the brown trousers and the black shoes. 根据短文内容,判断正误: (1)The Green family's clothes are different colours. (  ) (2)Jim is in a blue T-shirt . (  ) (3)Kate is in a green skirt. (  ) (4)I don't know the colour of Mrs Green's shoes. (  ) (5)Mr Green's shirt and Jim's shoes are the same colour. (  )
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