
EVEN the best of communicators can sometimes hit a wrong note, whether with a joke, turn of phrase, or even an ill-timed chuckle(轻笑).For instance, a former finance minister Ken Gabriel usually tries to keep things casual when answering reporters’ questions. But in a television interview on the news program 60 Minutes, some people felt his register was a little too casual—even careless.At one point, Gabriel spoke about the bankers who have been widely blamed for causing the collapse of the financial sector: “I mean there were a whole bunch of folks who, on paper, if you looked at 读南方地区简图,回答下列问题。(1)南方与北方的重要分界线A是山脉,同时也是800毫米年等降水量线通过的地方,该山脉南侧降水量多于北侧,是因为南侧位于夏季风的坡(“迎风坡”或“背风坡”);有“紫色盆地”之称的B是盆地,其内部的平原农业发达,被称为“天府之国”。(2)C为高原,地形崎岖,石灰岩分布广泛,其中省是中国少数民族最多的省级行政区;D为(城市),别称“羊城”,为广东省省会,是珠江三角洲区域的中心城市,通过从境外引进资金、技术与管理模式,该区域的型经济得到迅猛发展。(3)南方地区的长江三角洲区域,农业历史悠久,是举世闻名的“鱼米之乡”,简述长江三角洲区域发展农业有利的自然条件。(至少写出两点)。
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