
玻璃、有机玻璃、玻璃钢、不锈钢四种物质,其中属于金属材料的是    , 属于属于无机非金属材料的是    , 属于合成材料的是    , 属于复合材料的是   。 答案:【答案】不锈钢;玻璃;有机玻璃;玻璃钢【解析】玻璃是石灰、砂子等物质在高温生成的硅酸盐,属于无机非金属材料;有机玻璃是化学合成的一种塑料,外观颇似玻璃,属于合成材料;玻璃钢是玻璃纤维与合成材料复而成的一种特殊材料,属于复合材料;不锈钢是在普通钢中加入金属铬而形成的耐用所给词的正确形式填空 1.I’m very           (interest) in that             (interest) story. 2.You are        (suppose) to shake hands when you meet a Chinese friend. 3.A knife is used for         (cut) things. 4.The Yellow River is the second         (long) river in China. 5.The boy is old enough     (dress) himself. 6.December is the     (twelve) month in a year. 7.I decided      (talk) to my parents about it . 8.We stayed there for a long time without       (say) a word. 9.I have five      (knife).
化学 试题推荐