
阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is a love story, a sad and beautiful one. If it didn't exist, we wouldeasily imagine that the story of its construction was simply a fairy tale. Threehundred years ago, there lived an Indian emperor called Shah Jahan. His wife wasa beautiful and bright woman whom he loved greatly. Her title was Mumtazl Mahan:its shortened form Taj Mahan means pride of the palace. In the year1630 this beloved wife of the emperor died. He was so brokenhearted that he thoughtof giving up his throne. He d读“湖南省行政区划图”和“湖南省水系图”,结合下列材料,回答下列问题.湘江的源头在哪里?长期以来,湘江“姓湘还是姓桂”的争论从未停息.发源于湖南省蓝山县紫良瑶族乡野狗岭的潇水河,与发源于广西壮族自治区的海洋河相比,河流要长102公里,流经地域多一个县,流经第人口多60.1万人.根据“河源唯长,水量唯大,主流唯正‘的原则.2011年6月,湖南省永利厅下发文件,明确认定:湘江源头在湖南省蓝山县.(1)图中A湖为 ,B河为 .(2)湘江源头位于湖南省 市.(3)根据图中信息判断湖南省的地势特征,并说明判断理由.
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