
补写出下列句子中的空缺部分。(1)《论语·学而篇》中孔子认为,作为君子在饮食上不要追求饱足,在居住方面也不要追求安乐,还要做到“____________,___________ ”,才可以算得上是好学之人。(2)韩愈《师说》用“___________ ,______________”两句批评有些人只学点句读,而将疑惑弃之不顾的行为并不高明。(3)苏轼在《赤壁赋》中用“____________,____________”作喻,表达了诗人对身处广阔天地而感到人生渺微的深沉感伤。7.Canada(61)is located(locate ) in North America,near the United States.Canada is the(62)second( two) largest country in the world.Canad is divided(63)into13 provinces.The capital of Canada is Ottawa.The(64)economic( economy ) center of Canada is Toronto.The(65)mostcomfortable city is Vancouver.The temperature of Canada is cold(66)because Canada nears the67)northern( north ) pole.The average temperature of Canada in winter is always below 0℃.The population of Canada is not very large.So,if you want to go aboard(68)to study( study ),Canada would be a good  (69)choice( choose ).Canada has a lot of great(70)universities( university),such as UBC,university of Toronto,university of Alberta,etc.
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