
My husband decided to fix our kitchen and he had already chosen the materials he needed. But a few days later, he still did nothing. When I asked the reason, he said, “Today is not the best time to do such things. Maybe we should________some time.” I don’t like the man who blows hot and cold.Have you________of “blow hot and cold? It means changing ________easily. Let’s see how a man _______ his girlfriend.“While a lot of my friends are getting married, I don’t know if I will be. You see, one minute my girlfriend talks about wedding(婚礼) plans________, but the next minute she s善于梳理化学知识,能使你头脑更聪明。以下完全正确的一组是 A 物质的性质与用途 B 安全常识 N2性质稳定——可作灯泡填充气 石墨很软——可作电极 浓硫酸沾到皮肤上——立即涂NaOH溶液 假盐中毒——由NaNO2引起 C 元素与人体健康 D 日常生活经验 缺钙——易得侏儒症 缺碘——易甲状腺肿大 区别硬水与软水——常用肥皂水检验 是煤燃烧更旺——把煤作成蜂窝状
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