
New York City has one of the best skylines in the world, and you can view it from many different places. But a view is best accompanied by a good meal. Here’s our list of the best restaurants in NYC with amazing views.AlmaAlma is the perfect waterfront dining destination that’ll allow you to relax with a good meal. It’s a rooftop restaurant with open-air dining, but when it’s cold or raining, it covers the spot to keep the bad weather out, so diners get to see the downtown NYC skyline no matter what. Alma itself serves up mainly Mexican food.Where: 187 Columbia St, Brooklyn, NY11231The某中学历史兴趣小组以“传统文化与新文化”为主题进行研究性学习,同学们搜集了很多相关材料。  请你帮助他们完成下列表格。(12分) 社会思潮 对待传统文化的态度(6分) 主要原因(6分) 洋务思潮 “中体西用” 维护封建统治的需要;两次鸦片战争失败的刺激 维新思潮 新文化运动 文艺复兴
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