
As a state of ceremonies, Chinese people always have some special habits to show their respect to others or just keep their own nation culture, which can still be seen nowadays. Some of them are good things indeed while some of them may make foreigners feel confused (困惑). Here are some tips for you with respect to four Chinese habits:Burping (打嗝) after meal. In China, burping is seen as a sign of satisfaction with the meal and is considered a compliment to the chef, so don't be surprised if it happens at the dinner table. However, nowadays the habits may be changed in young people.Fing3、根据下列摘录的语句,分别写出“我”是作品中的哪一个人物。 (1)我是清河县人氏,这条景阳冈上少也走过了一二十遭,几时见说有大虫,你休说这般鸟话来吓我!—— 便有大虫,我也不怕!    (选自《水浒》) (2)我向他要求的这一磅肉,是我出了很大的代价买来的;它是属于我的,我一定要把它拿到手里。您要是拒绝了我,那么你们的法律去见鬼吧!威尼斯城的法令等于一纸空文。(选自《威尼斯商人》) (3)昨天。我们在归路上遇见全体的皇族。我们远远的就已看见。歌德挣脱了我的手臂,站在大路一旁。我徒然对他说尽我所有的话,不能使他再走一步。于是我按了一按帽子,扣上外衣的纽子,背着手,往最密的人丛中撞去。 (选自《名人传》) (1)________________(2)________________ (3)________________
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