
Do you feel nervous before and during exams? Are you afraid of taking the test? (1)学会应对圧力很重要且必要. Here are five steps to follow.Arrive on time. Arriving late will make you feel nervous. (2)Arriving too early will give you time to sit there and worry about things.Plan your time. You should know how many questions to answer in the exam. Then plan your time to answer all the questions.Don't waste time. (3)当你遇到不会做的题目时,你应该怎么做呢?Don't waste too much time on them and remember you have to answer all the questions in the exam.Use all your ti4分米=______米50厘米=______米 5元4角3分=______元3吨25千克=______吨.
英语 试题推荐