
Marty would turn eleven in just three days.Marty's parents wanted to give him a surprise. They talked about the list of gifts one night after Marty went to sleep. Dad said, I think Marty will just get tired of the basketball, and he doesn't like taking pictures. Mom said, We just bought him a new bicycle last Christmas.I think we should get Marty the telescope, said Dad, he's so interested in space and the planets.Sounds good, said Mom.Dad stopped by a store the next day after work and picked out a telescope. He waited until Marty was asleep and brought the telescope from his car into the hous阅读下面一首宋词,完成小题。渔家傲 王安石平岸小桥千嶂抱,柔蓝一水萦花草。茅屋数间窗窈窕。尘不到,时时自有春风扫。午枕觉来闻语鸟,欹眠似听朝鸡早。忽忆故人今总老。贪梦好,茫然忘了邯郸道。【注】①本词是王安石第二次罢相隐居金陵时所写。②邯郸道:唐人小说《枕中记》写卢生在邯郸道上说的话:“建功树名,出将入相。”③朝鸡:上朝时的鸡鸣声。1.词的结尾两句用了 和 两种表现手法。2.王安石在词中写道“闻语鸟”好似“听朝鸡”,有人据此说他“虽然归隐,但仍想积极用世”。你认为这种理解正确吗?请联系全词具体分析。
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